New Connection Procedure

Procedure for New Connections HESCO has streamlined the process for installing new connections, especially for general consumers of Domestic and Commercial Tariff. Application forms are now available in Urdu. To apply for a new connection, the following documents are required:

  1. Copy of National Identity Card.
  2. Copy of Ownership proof. If the applicant is not the actual owner, permission from the owner on a stamp paper along with ownership proof is necessary.
  3. Abridged condition of supply duly signed by the applicant.


To facilitate domestic consumers, the authority has made the following decisions:

  1. New domestic connection charges of Rs. 3000/- (Rupees three thousand only) for a single-phase meter will be divided into two parts:
    • Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) to be paid at the time of connection.
    • The remaining amount of Rs. 2700/- (Rupees two thousand seven hundred only) will be recovered in nine equal installments of Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) each in subsequent bills.
  2. This facility will be provided to those consumers who opt for and provide written consent for the said facility.

The lump sum charges for the capital cost of 3-Phase General Connections A1 and A-2 are as follows:

i. Length of service line up to and including 40 meters: Rs. 8000/-

ii. Length of service line above 40 meters and up to and including 100 meters (with one span LT with Ant conductor and one pole/structure): Rs. 8000/- plus Rs. 140/- per meter over and above 40 meters.

iii. Length of service line above 100 meters and up to and including 160 meters (with two span LT with Ant conductor and two poles/structures): Rs. 16400/- plus Rs. 220/- per meter over and above 100 meters.

iv. Length of service line above 160 meters and up to and including 280 meters: Rs. 29600/- plus Rs. 250/- per meter over and above 160 meters.

Rate of Security Deposit

  1. Tariff A-1: a. Urban: Rs. 1220/= KW b. Rural: Rs. 610/= KW
  2. Tariff A-2: a. Urban: Rs. 1810/= KW b. Rural: Rs. 920/= KW
  3. Tariff B-1: Rs. 1580/= KW
  4. Tariff B-2: Rs. 2010/= KW
  5. Tariff B-3: Rs. 2890/= KW
  6. Tariff B-4: Rs. 3560/= KW
  7. Tariff C-1: Rs. 1670/= KW
  8. Tariff C-2: Rs. 2080/= KW
  9. Tariff C-3: Rs. 2740/= KW
  10. Tariff D (49): Rs. 15000/= KW Lump Sum
  11. Tariff D (50): Rs. 15000/= KW Lump Sum
  12. Tariff F: Double the rates of regular Industrial tariff
  13. Tariff G: Rs. 3240/= KW
  14. Tariff H: Rs. 1560/= KW
  15. Tariff I: Rs. 610/- KW
  16. Tariff-K (AJK) / (Rawat): Rs. 2570/- KW / 2900/- KW

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